来源:网上博彩网站大全 办公室 发布时间:2012-04-26
Dear President Levin,Chairman Collins,Dean Snyder, Distinguished guests and colleagues,
It is my great honor to speak a few words on behalf of the Global Network Deans and Directors at this exciting occasion.
The 21st century has ushered us into an era when our development environment and patterns are witnessing unprecedented
changes. Globalization in the era of Internet exerts profound influences upon not only people’s way of living but also the business
environment. The global ecological deterioration and growing disparity between the rich and poor have aroused increasing
expectations of the social responsibilities of enterprises. The boom in emerging markets and the financial crisis faced by developed
economies have posed new challenges and opportunities for firms and business leaders in both developed and developing countries.
What do these changes, especially globalization, mean for businesses, for business graduates, and for business schools? It means
that the firms must learn to adapt to the diversity of local, national, and regional rules, regulations, institutions, business practices,
and social norms. It also means that business graduates, the future business leaders, are required to learn to work comfortably and
effectively with people who have sharply different values and behaviors,to be able to understand the generality of management and
cultural diversity, as well as to develop a set of new skills and capabilities in the global context.
What about business schools? Although huge effort has been devoted in the past decades among business schools, no matter by
individual school or through joint programs, we have lagged far behind what we should do to prepare future global business leaders.
It is becoming a common ground among business school deans that we need more extensive, innovative and indepth cooperation, in response
to the calls for exceptional managerial talents and leadership brought by globalization.
It is because of Dean Snyder’s farsightedness, arduous endeavor and enthusiasm for management education that the Global Network for
Advanced Management is successfully launched. On this occasion, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude, on behalf of other member
deans, to Dean Snyder, President Levin and the business community.
The Global Network for Advanced Management explores a brandnew cooperation model, which requires active participation and valuable
contribution from all members. As a business school from China, the world’s most rapidly growing economy, I highly anticipate future cooperation
with other member schools, by which I sincerely hope Renmin Business School will make more substantial contributions to management education
both in China and in the world.
Thank you very much!
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