



主 题:Optimal Distinctiveness and CSR Strategies in China

主讲人: 赵雁飞 (印第安纳大学凯莱网上博彩网站大全 )

时 间:2019-05-27 10:00

地 点:明德商学楼1008室

语 言:中英文



Building on recent development in optimal distinctiveness (OD) research, we identify two dimensions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices—CSR profile extensiveness and CSR profile deviation—and examine the antecedents of both. We theorize on how state control and analyst coverage of a firm shape its CSR profile extensiveness and deviation, and how these main effects vary depending on whether a firm is part of a stigmatized industry and the competitive intensity of its industry. We test our predictions using a proprietary database of 942 Chinese publicly listed firms between 2008 and 2016. Our findings demonstrate that the behavioral patterns that OD encompasses are more heterogeneous than generally recognized.


赵雁飞(Eric Zhao)博士,现任印第安纳大学凯莱网上博彩网站大全 (Kelley School of Business, Indiana University)创业与竞争企业杰出学者,管理与创业终身教授,并担任博士项目负 责人。他的研究领域包括战略管理,组织理论,制度理论,创新与创业,社会企业等。赵 教授专注于结合最前沿的战略管理和组织理论来研究创新创业和社会企业相关的问题。期待造福商业企业和提升社会福祉。

他的研究成果获得过多个重要奖项,并已发表于 Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, Organization Studies 等世界顶 级管理学和创业学期刊,和《南开管理评论》等中文权威期刊。他目前是 Journal of Business Venturing 的客座主编,同时担任 Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review 和 Journal of Business Venturing 的编委会成员。

赵教授同时积极参与学者社群的组织和建设工作,曾担任美国管理学会(Academy of Management)多个重要奖项的评委会主席和评委等职位。他目前还是中国管理研究国际 学会(IACMR)的研究委员会成员,并积极参与组织全球华人管理学者社群(CMSC) 各项年度活动。


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