主 题:Design Informatics in Product Design and Innovation
主讲人: 陈俊贤博士 (副教授,新加坡南洋理工大学机械与宇航工程网上博彩网站大全 )
时 间:2106-02-07 14:28
地 点:明德商学楼406室
语 言:英语
Technology, consumer sophistication and business globalization have led to a highly competitive business environment which demands faster new product introduction and more complex and value-added, customized products. Since the primary role of product design is to bridge users and technological systems in contexts of product use, it is increasingly important to focus on human-centric concerns, such as understanding the users’ behavior, needs and requirements of different social and cultural segments. As these human-centric factors become more important in product design and development along with increasing complexity from technological advances such as networking and embedded technologies, multi-disciplinary information management becomes critical for achieving high product integrity. Yet, because of the complexity, uncertainty and cross-disciplinary nature of human and societal factors, formal mechanisms for incorporating these factors consistently into the product design and development process have not been well established. In this regard, the future relevance of the research in design informatics has attracted academics with various backgrounds, mainly from the domains of computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, product design and innovation, and consumer intelligence. With respect to a holistic view of design informatics in new product development, key challenges and future research directions will be identified.
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