
张泽林 系别:市场营销系 职称:教授 电话:010-82500538 邮箱:[email protected] 地址:明德商学楼0915 院内行政职务:网上博彩网站大全 副院长



市场营销学博士 (2006 -2012 ), 堪萨斯大学网上博彩网站大全

固体物理学硕士 (2004- 2006), 堪萨斯大学物理系

物理学学士 (1998- 2002), 南开大学物理科学网上博彩网站大全


教授 (2022 –至今 ), 网上博彩网站大全 市场营销系,博士生导师

副教授 (2016 -2022 ), 网上博彩网站大全 市场营销系,博士生导师

讲师 (2012 -2016 ), 网上博彩网站大全 市场营销系,硕士生导师







1. Zhang, Zelin, Kejia Yang, Jonathan Z. Zhang and Robert W. Palmatier, “Uncovering Synergy and Dysergy in Consumer Reviews: A Machine Learning Approach”  Management Science  (2022): forthcoming

2. Jiawen, Li, Lu Meng, Zelin Zhang and Kejia Yang, "Low-Frequency, High-Impact: Discovering Important Rare Events from UGC"  Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services  (2022): forthcoming

3. Zhang, Zelin, Ernan Haruvy and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc,“On the reference price effect of reserve and BIN prices”  Journal of Retailing  98.2 (2022): 356-372.

4. Zhang, Zelin, et al. "Partial refunds as a strategic price commitment device in advance selling in a service industry."  European Journal of Operational Research  291.3 (2021): 1062-1074.

5. Han, Jidong, Peter TL Popkowski Leszczyc, and Zelin Zhang*. "Empirical Analyses of Nonlinear Effects of Reserve Prices on Ending Prices in Online Auctions."  Journal of Interactive Marketing  54(2021): 86-102.

6. Zhang, Zelin, et al. "The influence of coupon duration on consumers’ redemption behavior and brand profitability."  European Journal of Operational Research  281.1 (2020): 114-128.

7. Zhang, Zelin, et al. "A joint optimal model of pricing, rebate value, and redemption hassle."  Decision Sciences  50.5 (2019): 1060-1092.

8. Dong, X., Zou, S., Sun, G., & Zelin Zhang . "Conditional effects of justice on instability in international joint ventures."  Journal of Business Research  101 (2019): 171-182.

9. Zhang, Zelin, Jianghua Wu, and Feiqiong Wei. "Refurbishment or quality recovery: joint quality and pricing decisions for new product development."  International Journal of Production Research  (2018): 1-17.

10. Zhang, Zelin, et al. "Optimal depth and timing of price promotions in a vertically differentiated product line."  Journal of Business Research  83 (2018): 215-228.

11. Zhang, Zelin, Kissan Joseph, and Ramanathan Subramaniam. "Probabilistic selling in quality-differentiated markets."  Management Science  61.8 (2014): 1959-1977.

12. Zhang, Zelin, et al. "The Dynamics of Online Purchase Visits: Inertia or Switching?"  Frontiers of Business Research in China  10.1 (2016): 1

13. Dong,Xiao Dan, Zelin Zhang*, Hinsch C A, et al. "Reconceptualizing the elements of market orientation: A process-based view. "  Industrial Marketing Management , 2016, 56: 130-142

14. Qu, Riliang, and Zelin Zhang. "Market orientation and business performance in MNC foreign subsidiaries—Moderating effects of integration and responsiveness."  Journal of Business Research  68.5 (2015): 919-924 .

15. Joseph, Kissan, Jide Wintoki and Zelin Zhang, Forecasting Abnormal Stock Returns and Trading Volume Using Investor Sentiment: Evidence from Online Search.  International Journal of Forecasting , 27.4 (2011), 1116-1127

16. 张泽林, 韦斐琼, 韩冀东, & 陈蔚妮. "空气质量对消费者互联网搜索行为的影响."  管理科学  31.5 (2018): 16-29.

17. 吴江华, & 张泽林*. (2016). 基于价格随机化的非透明销售策略研究.  运筹与管理 , 25(5), 241-248.

18. 张泽林, 李东贤, & 董小丹. "合资公司稳定性影响因素及机制研究—基于资源互补性, 公司学习和组织公平维度."  管理现代化  36.3 (2016): 66-69.

19. 王文硕, & 张泽林. "合同关系对零售客户消费的促进与流失影响."  金融论坛 4(2015):46-58.

20. 张谊浩, 李元, 苏中锋, & 张泽林. (2014). 网络搜索能预测股票市场吗?.  金融研究 , (2), 193-206.

21. 柴俊武, 赵广志, & 张泽林. (2011). 自我概念对两类怀旧广告诉求有效性的影响. 心理学报, 43(3), 14.


1. 张泽林、《价格的力量:定价中的创新思维》,新华出版社,2016

2. 张泽林、《动态促销前沿—促销排期及有效期决策》,人民大学出版社,2020


1. “服务行业中预售退订的价格歧视机制及价格承诺的影响”, 国家自然科学基金,项目主持人

2. “动态价格促销策略的理论与实践研究”, 国家自然科学基金,项目主持人

3. “电商消费信贷服务对消费者行为以及电商营销决策影响机制研究—以京东白条为例”, 国家自然科学基金,项目主持人

4. “消费者在线行为模式研究”、国家社会科学基金项目重点项目,项目参与人

5. “中国市场营销思想史”,中国人民大学重大规划项目,项目参与人


1. “Design and Pricing of Probabilistic Quality,” 19th Annual Mittelstaedt Marketing Doctoral Symposium, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2010 & 32nd INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, University of Cologne, 2010

2. “On the Design of Consumption Hassle”, 34nd INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Boston University, 2012

3. “Service Refund as a Price Discrimination Mechanism”, 34nd INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Boston University, 2012

4.  “A Multi-period Model for Scheduling Multi-tier Private Label Sales Promotions”, 35th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Özyeğin University, 2013

5.  “The Use of Refunds and Spot Price Pre-Commitment in Advance Selling”, IESEG BRICS workshop, Paris, France, 2014

6.  “Internal Process and Moderated Mediation in Market Orientation (MO): A Conditional Process Modeling Approach” 36th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Emory University, 2014

7.  “On The Reference Price Effect of Reserve and Buy-it-now Prices” 39th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, University of Southern California, 2017

8.  “Probabilistic Selling in Quality-differentiated Complementary Goods Markets” 39th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, University of Southern California, 2017

9. “The Role Of Information Entropy And Product Lifecycle In Word Of Mouth Effect” Summer AMA conference,San Francisco,2017 4.

10. “Better for You or Worse for Me: The Use of Refunds as a Strategic Spot Price Commitment Device in Advance Selling” The Sixth China Marketing International Conference, July 2018. (Best Paper Award)

11. “企业微博营销行为及用户反应行为 对品牌搜索热度的动态影响研究——基于小米公司新浪微博案例” 第十三届中国营销科学学术年会, 2016



1. 2022年7月至今,民盟北京市第十三届委员会,常务委员

2. 2019年至今,民盟中国人民大学委员会,秘书长

3. 2019年至今,中国高等院校市场学研究会,常务理事

4. 2020年至今,京东数字科技控股有限公司风险管理中心,高级顾问

5. 2015年至今,《营销科学学报》,编委


1. 2021年,作为团队成员,获得中国人民大学教学成果奖二等奖,成果名称“思政引领、教学创新、迭代优化——中国特色市场营销人才培养体系的十年探索实践”

2. 2021年,获得由北京市委统战部颁发的“北京市参政议政服务发展同心奖先进个人”

3. 2021年,作为课题负责人,获得北京市民主党派参政议政优秀调研成果一等奖

4. 2021年度民盟北京市委“优秀盟员”称号

5. 2020年度民盟北京市委“社会服务工作先进个人”称号

6. 2019年北京市统战部参政议政优秀调研成果三等奖

7. 2019年获聘中国人民大学“杰出学者”青年学者A岗

8. 2018年,获得中国人民大学第十届青年教师教学基本功比赛三等奖

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