
殷佳敏 系别:管理科学与工程系 职称:讲师(助理教授) 邮箱:[email protected]



2022年4月 新加坡国立大学计算机网上博彩网站大全 信息系统专业博士

2016年7月 网上博彩网站大全 管理学学士


2022年9月至今 网上博彩网站大全 讲师(助理教授)





1. Lin, J., Yin, J.*, Wei, K.K., Chan, H.C., Teo, H.H. "Comparing Competing Systems: An Extension of the Information Systems Continuance Model," Forthcoming in MIS Quarterly.

2. Yin, J., Ngiam, K.Y., Teo, H.H.* 2021. "The Role of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Real-life Clinical Practice: Systematic Review," Journal of Medical Internet Research (23:4), pp. e25759.

3. Liu, N., Yin, J., Tan S.S.L., Ngiam, K.Y., Teo, H.H.* 2021. "Mobile Health Applications for Older Adults: A Systematic Review of Interface and Persuasive Feature Design," Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (28:11), pp. 2483-2501.

4. Yin, J., Wang, Y., Pang, J.*, and Wang, K. 2020. "Customizing Products for Self Versus Close Others: The Effect of Intended Recipient on Creator Perceptions of Product Uniqueness," Marketing Letters (31:1), pp. 1-15.


1. Yin, J. (2021) "Toward Intelligence Augmentation: Design Approaches for Effective Deployment of Healthcare Artificial Intelligence," 2021 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Doctoral Consortium, Austin, Texas, December 12-15, 2021.

2. Yin, J., Ngiam, K.Y., Teo, H.H. (2020) "Work Design in AI-based Applications: The Role of Advice Provision Timing," in Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Hyderabad, India, December 13-16, 2020.

3. Liu, N., Yin, J., Wongmaneeroj, M., Teo, H.H. (2020) "The Design of Digital Health Applications for Elderly Users: A Systematic Review and Future Directions," in Proceedings of 2020 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, June 22-24, 2020.

4. Zhou, L., Yin, J., and Wang, K. (2016). "Online Service Co-Customization: How the Partner and the Information Presentation Affects Tourists’ Choice of Online Tour Services," in Proceedings of 2016 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Chiayi, Taiwan, June 27 - July 1, 2016.



NUS Research Achievement Award (2021)

NUS Dean's Graduate Research Excellence Award (2022)

NUS President’s Graduate Fellowship

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