
倪政辉 系别:财务与金融系 职称:讲师(助理教授) 电话:010-82500579 邮箱:[email protected] 地址:明德商学楼1009



2018/08-2024/05 新加坡国立大学网上博彩网站大全 ,金融专业,哲学博士

2014/09-2018/06 中央财经大学金融网上博彩网站大全 ,金融专业,经济学学士


2023/02-2023/08 欧洲工商管理网上博彩网站大全 ,访问研究员





1. “The Impact of Generative AI on Information Processing: Evidence from the Ban of ChatGPT in Italy” (with Jeremy Bertomeu, Yupeng Lin and Yibin Liu) R&R at Journal of Accounting and Economics

- ABFER-JFDS 2024 on AI and Fintech

2. “Voluntary Disclosure, Misinformation and AI Information Processing: Theory and Evidence” (with Jeremy Bertomeu, Yupeng Lin and Yibin Liu)

- NUS SGFIN-Fudan Shanghai Institute of AI for Science Workshop*, the Cross-Strait Accounting and Finance Symposium

3. “Capital Market Consequences of Generative AI: Early Evidence from the Ban of ChatGPT in Italy” (with Jeremy Bertomeu, Yupeng Lin and Yibin Liu)

- AFA 2025, Columbia & RFS AI in Finance Conference*, 2024 Bretton Woods Accounting and Finance Ski Conference*, Tilburg Winter Symposium and Research Camp 2023, Fudan*, Washington University in St Louis*, Baruch College*, Lixin*, Rugters*

4. “‘Boots on the Grounds’: The Value of International Location in Asset Management” (with Allaudeen Hameed and Massimo Massa)

- NUS Finance, FMA 2023 PhD Consortium

5. “Long-term Earnings Forecasts, Shifting Segment Earnings, and Stock Returns” (with Allaudeen Hameed and Massimo Massa)

- ABFER 2023, MFA 2023*, Baruch College*, University of Illinois Chicago*, Stevens Institute of Technology*, University at Buffalo SUNY*, FMA Global 2022*, FMA 2022*, CICF 2022, NUS RMI 2022         

6. “Active Mutual Fund Common Owners: Returns and Proxy Voting Behavior” (with Ben Charoenwong and Qiaozhi Ye) R&R at Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

- EFA Poster 2023*, NFI-Oxford Conference 2023, UIUC*, MFA 2023*, Paris Financial Management Conference 2023 (Cancelled), Singapore Scholar Symposium 2022, ABFC 2022, ISAFE 2022*, CFAM 2022, FMCG 2022, AsianFA 2022, NUS RMI 2021, and NUS*

7. “Momentum and Individual Investor Trades: Evidence from Singapore” (with Allaudeen Hameed and Chek Ann Tan) Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (Volume 82, December 2023, 102-186)

(* presented by co-authors)


2021-2023 新加坡金融管理局(MAS)和新加坡交易所(SGX)政府咨询报告


“A cautionary tale: How Italy’s ChatGPT ban hurt businesses, economy” NEWSROOM; “Bertomeu et al. on Capital Market Consequences of Generative AI: Early Evidence from the Ban of ChatGPT in Italy” AI Law Blawg



新加坡国立大学研究生奖学金 2018 - 2023

优秀本科生毕业论文奖 2018

本科生国家奖学金 2015 

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