2014.9-2019.7 北京大学光华管理网上博彩网站大全 管理科学与工程专业博士
2017.8-2018.8 美国加州大学伯克利分校 工业工程与运筹系 联合培养博士生
2010.9-2014.7 北京科技大学机械工程网上博彩网站大全 工业工程专业学士
2023.10至今 网上博彩网站大全 管理科学与工程系 讲师
2019.8-2023.9 南京大学网上博彩网站大全 工商管理系 助理教授
Quality Management(Global BBA本科生专业选修课)
1. Cui, Y., V. Gaur, J. Liu*. 2024. Supply chain transparency and blockchain design. Management Science, 70(5), 3245-3263. (UTD24, FT50)
2. Cui, Y., M. Hu, J. Liu*. 2023. Value and design of traceability-driven blockchains. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25(3), 1099-1116. (UTD24, FT50)
3. Hu, M.†, J. Liu†*, X. Zhai*. 2021. Intertemporal segmentation via flexible-duration group buying. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 23(5), 1157-1174. (UTD24, FT50)
4. 4. Chen, H., M. Hu, J. Liu*, Y. Ravid*. 2024. Ups and downs in experience design. Production and Operations Management, Published Online. (UTD24, FT50)
5. Liu, Z., J. Liu, X. Zhai*, G. Wang. 2019. Police staffing and workload assignment in law enforcement using multi-server queueing models. European Journal of Operational Research, 276(2), 614-625.
6. Liu, J., X. Zhai*, L. Chen. 2019. Optimal pricing strategy under trade-in program in the presence of strategic consumers. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 84, 1-17.
7. Hua, S., J. Liu, T. C. E. Cheng, X. Zhai*. 2019. Financing and ordering strategies for a supply chain under the option contract. International Journal of Production Economics, 208, 100-121.
8. Liu, J., X. Zhai*, L. Chen. 2018. The interaction between product rollover strategy and pricing scheme. International Journal of Production Economics, 201, 116-135.
9. Xu, R., J. Liu, D. Yang*. 2023. The formation of reputation in CSR disclosure: The role of signal transmission and sensemaking processes of stakeholders. Sustainability, 15(12), 9418.
10. Xu, K., L. Sun, J. Liu*, H. Wang. 2018. An empirical investigation of taxi driver response behavior to ride-hailing requests: A spatio-temporal perspective. PLoS One, 13(6), e0198605.
11. Liu, J., L. Zhang, X. Chen, J. Niu*. 2017. Facial landmark automatic identification from three dimensional (3D) data by using Hidden Markov Model (HMM). International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 57, 10-22.
12. 刘靓晨, 翟昕. 面对策略型消费者的企业最优创新与定价策略[J]. 中国管理科学, 2023, 31(4), 56-65.
13. 刘靓晨, 翟昕. 竞争环境下的以旧换新策略[J]. 中国管理科学, 2018, 26(9), 75-84.
14. 刘靓晨, 陈丽华, 翟昕. 企业考虑以旧换新时的最优产品更新换代策略[J]. 管理学报, 2018, 15(6), 908-917.
15. 刘靓晨, 陈丽华, 翟昕. 基于策略型消费者行为和以旧换新的持续创新产品定价策略研究[J]. 营销科学学报, 2018, 14(1), 21-43.
16. 刘靓晨. 闭环供应链委托代理激励机制设计研究[J]. 商业研究, 2016, 470(6), 156-169.
17. 王江,陈丽华,刘靓晨. 面对资金约束时的最优研发与生产联合决策[J]. 技术经济与管理研究, 2017, 10, 9-16.
1. Cui, Y., M. Hu, J. Liu*. 2022. Impact of blockchain-driven accountability in multi-sourcing supply chains. In: Babich V., Birge J.R., Hilary G. (eds), Innovative Technology at the Interface of Finance and Operations (pp. 73-96). Springer Series in Supply Chain Management, Tang C. (series ed.), Springer Nature.
2. 刘靓晨. 考虑策略型消费者的企业产品迭代运营策略研究. 2023, 企业管理出版社.
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2022.1-2024.12,基于区块链技术的供应链质量管理研究——供应链网络结构视角,30万元,主持
2. 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目,2020.3-2023.3,灵活持续时间团购中的最优消费者划分及运营策略研究,8万元,主持
3. 江苏省双创博士,2020.9-2022.9,15万元,主持
4. 南京市留学人员科技创新项目,2020.8-2021.8,区块链和物联网驱动下的供应链网络质量管理研究,3万元,主持
5. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,2022.1-2026.12,后疫情时代的企业战略管理与数字化转型,204万元,参加
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022.1-2025.12,新技术、新商业在非相关领域的溢出影响:高效性、透明性、模糊性、便利性重塑消费者行为,48万元,参加
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022.1-2025.12,需求预测更新情境下人机协同的订购决策和算法设计:行为实验与优化分析,48万元,参加
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2018.1-2021.12,考虑策略型消费者的企业产品迭代运营策略研究,49万元,参加
1. Liu, J., Y. Cui*. 2024. NFT market design, INFORMS 2024 Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA, 2024.10.20-10.23.
2. Liu, J., Y. Cui*. 2024. NFT market design, 第二十届物流系统工程暨第八届管理系统工程学术研讨会, Xi’an, China, 2024.9.20-9.22.
3. Liu, J., Y. Cui*. 2024. NFT market design, CSAMSE 16th International Annual Conference, Xiamen, China, 2024.7.13-7.15.
4. Chen, L., Y. Cui, J. Liu*, X. Liu. 2024. Bonus competition in the gig economy, 14th POMS-HK International Conference, Hong Kong, China, 2024.1.5-1.6.
5. Cui, Y., V. Gaur, J. Liu*. 2024. Supply chain transparency and blockchain design, 14th POMS-HK International Conference, Hong Kong, China, 2024.1.5-1.6.
6. Cui, Y., V. Gaur, J. Liu*. 2023. Supply chain transparency and blockchain design, 4th ISCOM, Shanghai, China, 2023.12.1-12.4.
7. Cui, Y., J. Liu*. 2023. NFT market design, INFORMS 2023 Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA, 2023.10.15-10.18.
8. Chen, L., Y. Cui, J. Liu*, X. Liu. 2023. Bonus competition in the gig economy, CSAMSE 15th International Annual Conference, Shenzhen, China, 2023.7.29-7.30.
9. Cui, Y., V. Gaur, J. Liu*. 2023. Supply chain transparency and blockchain design, CSAMSE 15th International Annual Conference, Shenzhen, China, 2023.7.29-7.30.
10. Cui, Y., V. Gaur, J. Liu*. 2023. Supply chain transparency and blockchain design, POMS 2023 International Conference in China, Hangzhou, China, 2023.7.1-7.2.
11. Cui, Y., V. Gaur, J. Liu*. 2023. Supply chain transparency and blockchain design, POMS 2023 Annual Conference, Orlando, 2023.5.21-5.25.
12. Cui, Y., V. Gaur, J. Liu*. 2022. Supply chain transparency and blockchain design, MSOM 2022 Conference & iFORM SIG Conference, Munich, German, 2022.6.26-6.28.
13. Cui, Y., V. Gaur, J. Liu*. 2022. Supply chain transparency and blockchain design, POMS 2022 International Conference in China, Xi’an, China, 2022.6.24-6.27.
14. Cui, Y., V. Gaur, J. Liu*. 2022. Supply chain transparency and blockchain design, POMS 2022 Annual Conference, Online, 2022.4.21-4.25.
15. Cui, Y., V. Gaur, J. Liu*. 2021. Blockchain collaboration in a capacitated supply network: Benefits, challenges, and design, ISCOM, Hangzhou, China, 2021.11.26-11.28.
16. Cui, Y., V. Gaur, J. Liu*. 2021. Blockchain collaboration in a supply chain network: Benefits, challenges, and design, INFORMS 2021 Annual Meeting, Anaheim, USA, 2021.10.24-10.27.
17. Cui, Y., V. Gaur, J. Liu*. 2021. Blockchain collaboration in a supply chain network: Benefits, challenges, and design, CSAMSE 13th International Annual Conference, Shanghai, China, 2021.7.29-8.1.
18. Cui, Y., M. Hu, J. Liu*. 2021. Values of traceability in supply chains, CSAMSE 13th International Annual Conference, Shanghai, China, 2021.7.29-8.1.
19. Cui, Y., V. Gaur, J. Liu*. 2021. Blockchain collaboration with competing firms in a shared supply chain: Benefits and challenges, MSOM 2021 Conference, Online, 2021.6.7-6.10.
20. Cui, Y., M. Hu, J. Liu*. 2021. Values of traceability in supply chains, POMS 2021 Annual Conference, Online, 2021.4.30-5.5.
21. Chen, L., Y. Cui, J. Liu*, X. Liu. 2021. Bonus competition in the gig economy, POMS 2021 Annual Conference, Online, 2021.4.30-5.5.
22. Cui, Y., M. Hu, J. Liu*. 2020. Values of traceability in supply chains, INFORMS 2020 Annual Meeting, Online, 2020.11.8-11.13. (2020 INFORMS TIMES Best Working Paper Award, Second Place)
23. Chen, L., Y. Cui, J. Liu*, X. Liu. 2020. Wage schemes and platform competition, INFORMS 2020 Annual Meeting, Online, 2020.11.8-11.13.
24. Cui, Y., V. Gaur, J. Liu*. 2020. Blockchain collaboration with competing firms in a shared supply chain: Benefits and challenges, INFORMS 2020 Annual Meeting, Online, 2020.11.8-11.13.
25. Cui, Y., M. Hu, J. Liu*. 2019. Values of traceability in supply chains, INFORMS 2019 Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA, 2019.10.20-10.23.
26. Hu, M., J. Liu, X. Zhai*. 2019. Intertemporal segmentation via flexible-duration group buying, INFORMS 2019 Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA, 2019.10.20-10.23.
27. Cui, Y., V. Gaur, J. Liu*. 2019. Information transparency in rationing games, CSAMSE 12th International Annual Conference, Chengdu, China, 2019.7.13-7.15.
28. Cui, Y., M. Hu, J. Liu*. 2019. Values of traceability in supply chains, CSAMSE 12th International Annual Conference, Chengdu, China, 2019.7.13-7.15.
29. Hu, M., J. Liu, X. Zhai*. 2019. Intertemporal segmentation via flexible-duration group buying, CSAMSE 12th International Annual Conference, Chengdu, China, 2019.7.13-7.15.
30. Cui, Y., V. Gaur, J. Liu*. 2019. Information transparency in rationing games, POMS 2019 Annual Conference, Washington, USA, 2019.5.3-5.6.
31. Cui, Y., M. Hu, J. Liu*. 2019. Values of traceability in supply chains, POMS 2019 Annual Conference, Washington, USA, 2019.5.3-5.6.
32. Cui, Y., M. Hu, J. Liu*. 2019. Values of traceability in supply chains, 10th POMS-HK International Conference, Hong Kong, China, 2019.1.5-1.6.
33. Liu, Z., J. Liu, X. Zhai*, G. Wang. 2018. Optimal police staffing and workload assignment in law enforcement using multi-server queueing model, POMS 2018 International Conference, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2018.12.14-12.16.
34. Hu, M., J. Liu, X. Zhai*. 2018. Intertemporal segmentation via flexible-duration group buying, INFORMS 2018 Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA, 2018.11.4-11.7.
35. Cui, Y., M. Hu, J. Liu*. 2018. Values of traceability in supply chains, INFORMS 2018 Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA, 2018.11.4-11.7.
36. Liu, Z., J. Liu, X. Zhai*, G. Wang. 2018. Optimal police staffing and workload assignment in law enforcement using multi-server queueing model, POMS 2018 International Conference, Granada, Spain, 2018.10.22-10.24.
37. Hu, M., J. Liu, X. Zhai*. 2018. Group buying with flexible duration, POMS 2018 Annual Conference, Houston, USA, 2018.5.4-5.7.
38. Liu, J., X. Zhai*, L. Chen. 2017. The interaction between product rollover strategy and pricing scheme, INFORMS 2017 Annual Meeting, Houston, USA, 2017.10.22-10.25.
39. Hu, M., J. Liu, X. Zhai*. 2017. Product recall through group buying without deadline, INFORMS 2017 Annual Meeting, Houston, USA, 2017.10.22-10.25.
40. Liu, J., L. Chen, X. Zhai*. 2017. On the interaction between product rollover strategy and pricing scheme, POMS 2017 Annual Conference, Seattle, USA, 2017.5.5-5.8.
41. Liu, J., L. Chen, X. Zhai*. 2017. Optimal pricing strategy under trade-in program in the presence of strategic consumer, POMS 2017 Annual Conference, Seattle, USA, 2017.5.5-5.8.
42. Liu, J., L. Chen, X. Zhai*. 2017. On the interaction between product rollover strategy and pricing scheme, 8th POMS-HK International Conference, Hong Kong, China, 2017.1.7-1.8.
43. Liu, J. 2016. Optimal product rollover strategy considering trade-in program, First World Congress and 2016 Asia Pacific DSI Conference, Beijing, China, 2016.7.24-7.26.
44. Liu, J., J. Zhang, X. Chen, D. Yang*. 2016. Reading of corporate social responsibility: Is it beneficial for business organizations, 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Anaheim, USA, 2016.8.5-8.9.
2022 Digital Supply Chain and Supplier Diversity Conference Best Paper Award, Second Place
2022 Digital Supply Chain and Supplier Diversity Conference Best Paper Award, Honorable Mention
2020 INFORMS TIMES Best Working Paper Award, Second Place
2019 北京市优秀毕业生、北京大学优秀毕业生
2018 POMS EEDSA Honorable Mention Award
2017, 2018 北京大学博士研究生校长奖学金
2017 北京大学光华管理网上博彩网站大全 院长科研基金
学术期刊Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics, European Journal of Operational Research, Transportation Research Part E, International Journal of Production Economics, Omega, Annals of Operations Research, International Transactions in Operational Research, RAIRO - Operations Research, 4OR (A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research), Journal of Management Science and Engineering, Financial Innovation审稿人