Assistant/Associate/Full Professors in Economics 贸易经济系2022年度教师招聘
The School of Business at Renmin University of China invites applications for faculty positions and Chair Professors in the Department of Trade and Economics in September 2023.
QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must have a Ph.D. in economics or related fields by August 31, 2022. Industrial organization, Industrial Economics, International Economics and Trade, International Business will be considered in priority. Candidates for junior positions must demonstrate potential for publication in top-tier journals. Applicants for senior positions should have a strong record of published research in premier academic journals. All applicants should have a strong commitment to excellence in teaching.
ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT: The department offers a highly supportive research environment that includes a low teaching load, rich economic databases, strong research culture, close academic & business connections and easy access to data, and an active seminar series.
Salaries and benefits will be competitive and commensurate with qualifications. The compensation package also includes settling-in allowance, start-up research fund, and other fringe benefits.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: please submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, one or two sample research papers, and a list of three referees to the following contact. Please clearly indicate the position you wish to apply in the application letter via email. Review of applications will begin immediately till the positions are filled. Senior positions are encouraged to apply throughout the year by submitting a letter of interest and curriculum vitae. [email protected]